Executive Board
Current members
Past members
Prof. Dr. Uwe Ohler
Uwe Ohler
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is responsible for all structural, scientific and financial decisions. It is comprised of 14 members representing all partner Helmholtz centers and ECDF universities. The committee meets whenever the governance policy requires its intervention, but at least annually. Two members of the Steering Committee are members of the Executive Board and represent the HEIBRiDS Data Science School as spokespersons.
Current members
Prof. Dr. Uwe Ohler
Uwe Ohler
Prof. Dr. Yuri Shprits
Past members
Program Committee
The Program Committee acts as an advisory board and supports management. It suggests projects for funding, develops the study program, and prepares admission decisions for the Steering Committee. The Program Committee consists of all current supervisors and meets once or two times a year. Permanent guests of the Program Committee are the two PhD Representatives and the HEIBRiDS Office.
Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board consists of five international leading scientists with experience in interdisciplinary research and graduate education, who offer their advice on the development of the training curricula. Members of the Scientific Advisory Board are invited to participate in events and meetings organized by the HEIBRiDS Data Science School at regular intervals.
Current members
Dr. Michael Klimke
Bavarian AI Agency
Dr. Anna Bauer-Mehren
Roche Innovation Center Munich
Past members
Administration and management of the academic program is in the responsibility of the HEIBRiDS Office, which assumes the following tasks:
- Guidance to doctoral researchers on all matters concerning the HEIBRiDS PhD Program, including curriculum, training activities, travel grants, Thesis Advisory Committees and support admission to university
- Liaison to local universities and close collaboration with other Graduate and Research Schools
- Development and implementation of training and events for the doctoral community
- Management of the HEIBRiDS PhD Program, including international recruitment and marketing
- Development, revision and implementation of policies and strategies together with the Program and Steering Committees
- Fostering of national and international cooperation
The HEIBRiDS Office works in close collaboration with the coordinators of other Graduate Schools, Research Schools, - in particular, the Helmholtz Information and Data Science Schools -, and local partners to guarantee the highest standard of structured education to all doctoral researchers at HEIBRiDS.
PD Dr. Eirini Kouskoumvekaki
Coordinating Office
MDC Berlin-Buch
Building 84, Room 1101
Robert-Roessle-Str. 10
13125 Berlin, Germany
PhD Assembly
All HEIBRiDS doctoral researchers make up the general PhD Assembly represented by two annually elected PhD Representatives. The PhD Representatives give the PhD assembly a formal voice in the operation of HEIBRiDS and communicate all relevant topics identified by the PhD students to the HEIBRiDS Office.
In addition, the Welcome Offices, the Ombudspersons and Graduate Schools of the respective universities and Helmholtz partners are available to the doctoral students of HEIBRiDS.